IM SERIOUSLY very sorryy...
cox my fren,who having my pic., was rushing to go UNISA ...(UNI. OF SOUTH AUST)
so she have no time to pass it to me... I WILL RUSH HER THOU!!~~ so wait for few days ya!!
=.= ''sumimasen''
this pic. tht i post up is the annual ball committee member...( ronald nt thr!!,1 of d committee)
to complete this ball stuff i have to deal wif all those ppl
@ray vin who guide me on how to be a better person++ very cheong hei
@ kam mun who always ask me to be more independent ++ always ejek me as ''xiao mei mei''
@ caryn who is always so caring n understanding ++ always ejek me wif ronald.. =.=
@ ailing who gave idea ++ always jealous of me hehe cox i got ronald n andrew... hahaha...lolx
@wani and step. who always cheer me up ++ tq for ur lolipop wani n step for teman-ing me go makan
@andrew who teach me how to design ++ perfect works is all in his mind
@shammy who understand me and always guide me ++ the prom queen..hehe
@lance who once becum my project partner bfor++ flirter... :p
@ ronald for being the most obedient ppl tat i never seen bfor ++ stop complainin hair pain n toe nail pain... hehe
@ bee ling who does her work completely for kam mun ++ fuh yohh!!~~
besides them i have to deal wif outside ppl too...thanks too them
* li voon for helping me on design stuff
* ejin for helping me for the booklet
* wien dee for helping me on painting backdrop
*my junior whose always thr for me
p/s if i did not mention ur name above im truely very sorry cox of my ''forgetfull-ness'' bt i
seriously appreciate u guys and thank you very much!!~~ muakxx
p/s all the name that i mention above im seriously thanks to u guys who guide me to be a better
person and help me out when im in trouble...thank u so much!!~~ muackxx muuackxx
gosh..i din jealous k..haha
lol,thanks for my name although i didn't really help.take care.=)
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