
Sunday, October 14, 2007

selamat hari raya and happie deepavali !!!

Selamat hari raya & Selamat hari deepavali..
i wish u guys stay healthy and wealthy...
and always rmb WENDY...hahaha


we have to do column in our college
to represent deepavali and sum decoration for hari raya...

we as student council, we cant say no rite??
and since stephanie so desperate to do tht...
im willing to help..

i will show u guys the whole process...

bfor we do tht column,
stephanie ask her frnx to draw the whole column..
as we chinese dunno how to do... haha

sooo cute....
after tht we draw it on the floor
thn only putting "color rice" on it..
as usual, to make it COLORFUL & CUTE ... i guess..

is so simple,but tooks alot of time...
the gang who does the colum *wink*

same here...

oOps... step!!
u looks cute on it..
so i post it up!!

cheerx lady , no hard feeling...


stephy-nie said...

deaperate your head la.. m not desperate!! i WANT to do nia!!!

AND ITS KOLUM NOT column la... wakaakaka

Ai Ling said...

kesian wendy..get bomb by steph